
Change computer settings to block someone from making changes to security settings?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if on a windows XP operating system there is a way to set passwords to block someone from changing the security settings?

and answers would be helpful.

thanks! :-)




  1. if you have accounts set up on limtied acces then they can not make changes to your computer but if they have admidastor rights then they can do as much as you can

  2. The most secure way to protect your sensitive files (and expensive computer) is to password protect your ENTIRE Windows account, allowing no one else access to it. Just go to Start > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change an account.

    Now, if you must let anyone else use your PERSONAL computer (not recommended), you should set up a separate account for them with limited privledges. Go to Start > Control Panel > User accounts > pick an account to change > Guest.  Not only will a Guest Account keeps your data safe from prying eyes, your computer will also be more secure as the limited privledge Guest account will not allow the inadvertant installation or download of any programs by others. Nor will they be able to s***w-up YOUR settings!

  3. I'm not sure don't think you can, but if other users use a Limited account they cannot turn-off the Windows firewall and change other security settings like DEP.

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