
Change of telephone provider? australians only please?

by  |  earlier

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Im currently with BigPond for my DSL and wish to change my telephone connection to AAPT. Will changing my telephone provider and number affect my BigPond DSL connection?

(im moving house in the next week and there will be a change of phonenumber as well - also a different area code).




  1. Australia sucks.

  2. yes it will, although if you speak to AAPT in regards to what you want to do, they will happily change it over for you, with minimal fuss...just dont cancel your bigpond dial up til about a month after you move so that you've had enough time to change it with everyone you know...and things should work out fine.....

  3. Call AAPT and arrange to have your new home connection set up for when you move in.  They will advise you if you have broadband ADSL capabilities at your new property.  This way you can use Bigpond till you move and have the AAPT connection ready when you get there.

    I strongly advise that you do it before you move (and check it as soon as you move in) because I did this same change when I moved and then found that the new place had telephone line difficulties and had to call a Telstra technician to come and fix it.  Although the real estate paid for this service, I had to wait two weeks before it could get fixed.

    Give AAPT a call to set up the new connection straight away and don't cancel the Bigpond until you've made sure that the AAPT connection is working.  Also you will need to notify Telstra that you are moving and although I think they don't charge for new connections anymore if you're still contract.  Which by the way, if you are still on a contract, you may have to pay out your balance of what's left.

    Hope this helps...

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