
Change schools?

by Guest21429  |  earlier

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Alrighty, I'm in year 10 right now and attending a catholic school. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't like the 'atmosphere' at my school, I'm sick of the people there as well. Some teachers are pretty c**p. There are only very few students that are easy to get along with. Each grade has different classes, I happen to always end up in the extension/advanced class. Now, I was just wondering if it'd benefit me if I moved? I was thinking to a selective school? (I'm a girl btw) It'd help if you guys gave suggestions of other schools too (: Would it be too unrealistic if I aimed for Sydney Girls ? or Hornsby? Totally frustrated and confused. any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Dung gurl...

    IF i like you i should go 2 government school... so i can chill out wid new random people and its easy subjects for me...

    I dont know about sydney girls or Hornsby, coz i dont live in Sydney...


  2. If your not happy there, don't stay. Check out schools on the net, when you find a couple you think you might like, contact them. You might even be able to visit and have a look around and ask questions. Nothing like making an informed choice.

  3. Hey i'm a guy from sydney and i'm in year 10 too! I used to have a problem like you, i was in the same position as you back in year 3, then i switched to this selective school after passing the entrance exam and its great here. So many ppl ez to get along with.

    Fo you, dont go to Sydney Girls. I'm not racist but this guy has a sis who goes to that sschool, and says 95% of them are asian, really focused on their studies and they non asian kids feel rejected. Sounds racist, i know, but yea.

    Just go to a normal high school i suppose around your area. Where do you live? email me and i can try help. I know a couple of girls form most schools in sydney.
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