
Change the future, discuss London Buses...what you want to see change/added etc?

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Hello, I'm doing a survey for my project and want to know what YOU the general public in London want to see change on London buses. so please take a minute of your time to tell me what you would want to see on the bus in the future and what should be changed on London buses... maybe you want to be entertained on the bus, or you want the bus seats to be placed differently for personal air and space....please discuss your ideas here, thanks




  1. I think the only change needed is bigger buses

  2. yes i want those stupid teenagers stop listning to music that loud and  shouting and playing around !

    its a bus driver duty to simply kick them off the buss or just call the police !!

    london busses used to b such a great ride but now they are not

  3. A third deck complete with bar & smoking room would be good!

  4. Bring back the good old Routemaster, they ARE London and what millions of tourists expect  to see, these modern buses are completely soulless

  5. I just yearn for the old Routemasters.

    These "new" buses are claustrophobic as I don't like having the doors closed on me; I hate having to wait in a traffic jam before I can jump off; I hate it when the driver closes the doors before you can get off, and despite shouting, have to get off at the next stop and cart the heavy shopping back.

    The fixtures and fittings take up too much space; the stairs are so easy to fall down; I hate having to sit knee-to-knee (especially travelling backwards) with other people, many of whom have put their filthy shoes on my seat, and there's nowhere to hold on if you're right at the back and have to get down that dangerous step.

    They're like greenhouses in summer when you bake and swelter, especially upstairs.  I see that they've removed that bar right across the eyeline across the front windows up top.

    OK, so they've made it easier for people with those huge prams to get on, and shopping trolleys, etc, but they're usually parked dangerously and trip you up.  And backpackers don't tend to take those things off, so every time they move you get swiped.

    For a compromise, I wish they'd bring back the old hop-on, hop-off, no-frills Routemasters, along with the modern microwaves on wheels, so that we could choose which to board.

    Oh, and I'd love to have the conductors back.  I feel safer, and we often had a cheeky one with a laugh for everyone.

  6. I don;t use the bus very often as I live in kensington and underground is the best but something I think needs to change is the fact that almost every time you go on a bus there are chavs listening to their music off of their phones and that really annoys me and everyone else. I am a teenager and love my music but unlike some I have heard of such things as headphones!

    Also safety, a lot of crimes are heard of on buses and someone close to me has been a victim of one, and as a teenager I sometimes feel intimidated by some of the public such as chavs and other teenagers, and think that someone should be on the bus at all times along side the bus driver, that way both the bus driver and public using the transport will be safer!

    Another thing that may be good is Express busses that cancel out alot of stops and go from A - G instead of stopping at all other stops that it passes. As I say I don't use the transport very often so they may even still do this.

    Hope this is helpful

    Sam (A Londoner)

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