
Change your thinking!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone has to change the way of thinking. I have moved to china to work for a few years and after arriving in Asia realize that coming from a country where there are big cars and SUV's to China where there are very few. I realize weather is a factor but people here in china ride scooters and bicycle and tricyle. America has to start thinking smaller, and stop using an consuming large amounts of fuel to just drive a SUV when maybe scooter would do for a trip to the market. Just think about it!!




  1. The Wrangler I drive is about as small as I'm likely to get.

    Public transport here sucks, and it's tough to get a 64 quart cooler, a 70 pound dog, camping, fishing and hunting gear and a girlfriend into a Mini, or even get a Mini up a mining road to set up camp.

    No, thank you. Enjoy China.


  2. People drive those because (usually they do atleast) they have big families. Thats why mine drives one. But yes America is lazy...but doubt it will ever happen. Global warming coming to the brink will be the only thing that would make America change...if even.

  3. you got a real good point ,there has always been questions asked here as to why we need large vehicles,i have never owned one ,and cant see the need for one,the old saying bigger is better isn't always true,we do need to down size here,i think when gas hits 5 bucks a gallon here we,ll finally realize we don't need big cars and trucks,good luck enjoy your trip.

  4. yes and the amazing thing is that about 42% of every gallon of fuel goes to taxes, which end up in general fund which is siphoned off into "pork barrel" projects that politicians make money on.

    Just think ... the government makes more money off gasoline and diesel fuel than the oil companies do (or at least as much).  

    If we americans get together on this, the politicians and the oil companies would drown in their own oil.  

    I am ready, and it's about time.  Let's do it. We can all go on a "fuel strike" by conserving every drop.  Start today, and don't wait for your neighbors and friends.  I have already started.

  5. Yup I think that u are right...why do they need such big cars I can understand big families but what about the people that dont even have kids...I only use my car for shopping once a week n walk the rest.

    I have solar pwer hot water and electricity and when it aint sunny my electricity comes from a wind farm anyway...

    I live about 2 hours away from the city my mum lives n city n when I go to see her it is so muggy and its all the pollution even at nite in the city the stars aint as clear as they are at home...U can actually see all the pollution around the city from a distance..

    I live in Melbourne, australia

    also Im sick of seing wildlife die and trees gettn chopped down for new highways or houses

    doest anyone think about how our grandchildren or great grandchildren are gonna live coz its gonna reflect on them the most

  6. I like my gas guzzler.

    I'm willing to pay at the pump since it allows me to drive a large, safe, dependable vehicle that can haul all I'd ever want to.

    I don't mind if you want to drive some sort of economy car, but don't get high and mighty over it.

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