
Changed dark deck can i make any improvedments??

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monsters: 21

2x Doom Shaman

2x Evil HEro Malicious Edge

1x Dark Magician Of Chaos

1x Dark Ruler Ha Des

1x Dark Necrofear

2x Armageddon Knight

2x Newdoria

1x Dark Jeroid

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Morphing Jar

1x Sangan

1x Diskblade Rider

1x Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

1x Dark Valkyria

1x D.D. Crow

1x Marshmallon

1x Destiny Hero - Disc Commander

Spell: 14

3x Swing Of Memories

2x Foolish Burial

2x Hand Distruction

1x Heavy Storm

1x Preamature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

1x Enemy Controller

1x Swords of Revealing Ligh

1x Brain Control

1x Scapegoat

Traps: 9

1x Mirror Force

1x Seven Tools Of the Bandit

2x Dark Illusion

2x Hate Buster

1x Dertruction Jammer

1x Gemini Trap Hole

1x The transmigration Prophecy




  1. good deck. i would take out swings of memories. and if your rich add 3 daark armed dragons and a crush card virus (=

    otherqise good deck 8/10

  2. Take out

    2* Swing of memories

    Seven Tools of the Bandit

    Dark Jeroid

    Then add

    Trap Jammer

    Lightning Vortex

    Sakuretsu Armor or Dimensional Prison

    Spell Striker, goes really well for quick sacrifices

    If you can make those changes, i think the deck will run at a bit better success rate.

    With those changes, i would say 9.5/10

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