
Changed gasket on refrigerator and the door look bent out at the bottom not sealing can it be adjusted?

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i did not have that problelm with old gasket it was just torn slightly but seem to fit .The new went on eazy no problem but now door dont line up at bottom seem to be twisted out away from refrigerator body




  1. Gaskets come in different sizes to the millimeter.If it was that easy to install,I bet you have the wrong size.They are a pain to install when correctly fitted.

  2. When installing the gasket, you have to work from one end around to the other but do not tighten the bolts all the way. You come back to each one slightly tightening it. If the door is still on the fridge, you snug them first then close the door. Check the seal all the way around and twist the door if its crooked till its perfect. The open the door and tighten all the bolts a bit more. Check again. Rinse, repeat until all the bolts are tight (not too tight).

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