
Changes/ Reaction Rate/ Activation Energy?

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Changes| Reaction Rate| Activation Energy|

Decreased concentration| ?| ?|

Increased Surface Area| ? | ?|

Heat Added| ?| ?|

Catalyst| ?| ?|

Please help me as soon as possible. Thanks!




  1. You have a very poorly worded question, as it's not clear what you need.  Here, however, are how reaction rates are affected by the factors you listed.  Next time, tell us what you need to know in the form of a question (like a complete sentence, perhaps), rather than making us guess by just vomiting out terms.

    With decreased concentration, there is less of whatever reagant present, so other reactants come in contact with it less often--lower reaction rate.

    The more surface area (i.e. of a solid reacting with a fluid) the more molecules of the reactant are exposed to the other reactant, higher rate of reaction.

    The willingness of molecules to break out of whatever state they are in is dependent upon their energy (heat being nothing more than the kinetic energy in tehvarious molecules making up a substance).  In a fluid (liquid or gas) higher energy particles are moving around more, and coming into contact with more particles, and doing so more forcefully.  Increased reaction rate.

    Catalysts provide an interim step in a reaction that requires less energy to take place, (and the final raction also requires less energy as well) meaning more reactions take place.  Increased reaction rate.

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