
Changing High School Jobs?

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Well here it is i really like my job right now i work at a grocery store called Shaw's, But lately I've been talking to a manger at another grocery store and he says if i would go work for him i would get paid $9.25, As oppose to Shaw's where i am getting paid $7.50...I love Shaw's though because i am friends with everyone their and i like working their, Should i make the switch for more money? or stay where i am and be happy?




  1. work for the other grocery part time!!! then you'll get more money

  2. More money will also make U happy so U should consider that.


  3. Stay where you are.

  4. which ever you think is more important. hanging with friends, or more money

  5. Do you often complain about your current salary?

    If you do, switching might be good.

    If you don't , stay.

    You do not want to work at a job that you hate.

    Try looking around in the other store and check out how happy the employees are. If they have huge frowns, and if majority of them look mad, don't switch.

    If the manager is a good friend, it might be a good idea to switch, contacts are great!

    Just think about it. If you complain about money all the time, switch jobs, if you're happy with your current lifestyle, keep the job.

    If I were you, I would stay. When most people get raises, they spend it on stuff they don't need. If you're going to do that, stay.

    -Good Luck

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