For the past several months now, I've been considering changing majors. I just entered college again two days ago, this year as a sophomore. I know it's typical for many college students to change majors, but I was wondering... The basis for my possibility is that I feel like I'm not going into the field I'm most passionate about. Only thing is... what I am most passionate about is not something you would exactly call "stable" career-wise. I don't want to go into a career just because it seems like the most stable option and then look back on my life and feel profound regret, but I also don't want to look back on my life and see a trail of misfires and struggles just to put bread on the table. So I have two questions:
1) For those of you who changed your majors and those of you who have established careers, what do you believe I should do? Go into something I'm most passionate about, or choose something I like less but is more "stable?"
2) For those of you with experience in creative/literary fields, what -would- be some good professions I could go into with some sort of literature or artistic degree that would offer me some level of stability and security (not necessarily financially - money is not my top concern. Mainly I'm just worried about finding and holding down a good job.)
If I felt more assured that I could find a good job with a literature, artistic, or otherwise more creative degree, I'd probably change majors in a heartbeat, so if anyone has any advice to give on this, I'd greatly appreciate it.