I got my period over the summer, and I really need to know. How do you get your pads from the classroom to the bathroom? I have to carry a lot of "supplies" because even on my off and shallow days I discharge so heavy it goes through my panties and I feel super uncomfortable. I keep my liners and pads in the front pocket of my back pack and when I need one I take it in my lap and slip it in my back pocket. But as hard as I try a LOT of people notice. We're not allowed to bring purses/handbags to school or backpacks to the bathroom during class (we have a bad drug problem at our school). Is there a quick discrete way I can get my stuff from Point A to Point B?
Plus, there are no garbage cans or anything inside the bathroom so how do I get my icky liners and pads to the garbage can /outside/ the bathroom without anyone noticing?
How often should I change? A lot of my classes are super far apart and we have 4 minutes to get from place to place.
8th grade, 14 thanks so much!