
Changing Study habits...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everybody, I'm 15, and I'll be going to the 10th grade soon. But I am very smart, and I don't utilize it. At times I can be extremely smart, but my study habits suck. Does anyone know how i can change that?




  1. It has been proven that it is better to study with day-gaps in between

    rather than cramming everything into one or two days

    for example, studying on

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday

    is a lot more effecitive than studying on

    thursday and friday, and cramming everything on those last two days

    Also, another great studying habit is reading your notes upon arriving


    don't wait until the few minutes you have before going to bed

    when you get home, just read over the notes you took in your classes

    during the day

    and try and do this on a daily basis

    and try to go over the previous day's notes as well

    say that it's a tuesday

    once getting home go over your monday notes then ur tuesday notes

    hope this helps, sure helps me

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