
Changing doctors with tricare prime?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my primary care doctor and got a referral to a specialist. I ended up not liking this doctor at all. I do not feel comfortable with him at all and he did not explain things to me. Can I go back to my primary doctor and ask for another referral to someone else or do I have to call tricare and ask them? I am new to this whole tricare thing and I am not really sure what my options are. He wants to do a procedure that I do not feel the need to do because he didn't even examine me before telling me to make an appointment for it. I guess I would like a second opinion and I would like to have a doctor that I feel comfortable asking questions too. Can anyone tell me if its possible to cancel my referral to him and get one for a different doctor and how I would go about doing that? Thanks!




  1. call tricare...and tell want another dr that specializes just as this dr did..and they should help you..if they have an issue they will call your primary dr...we have had to do this..good luck

  2. Call your PCM, ask for their nurse, tell them your situation and ask them to ask you PCM if they can put in a referral for a different doctor and why.  You might get what you want you may not.  Only your PCM can change your referral.  ALSO, anytime you go to a doctor and they tell you things you do not understand it is YOUR job to ask questions and for an explanation you can understand.  By just sitting there and not saying anything you are equally at fault here.  The doctors are busy and maybe he should have had better bedside manner but as an adult you should have had the where with all to speak up and ask questions.  These appointment cost us all money since even us on active duty pay out taxes, make the most of the benefits you are given for free.

  3. the best thing to do is to call TriCare everyone is different

  4. You should start by going back to your primary care doctor and letting him/her know what happened.

    I was active duty, but I had to use tricare where I was for specialist. If there is a tricare office or medical admin office at the clinic/hospital where you got the referral from then go to them. Ask about other doctors in the area who specialize in what you need. Let them know about the problem.

    Believe it or not if they get too many complaints about a provider they will stop referring people to them. They can't always do this if there are limited specialist...if there is someone else on the list you might be able to get another referral. But Tricare must approve it first

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