
Changing full body fairing for my bike?

by  |  earlier

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Im looking to change the full body fairing on my 2003 gsxr-600? I already ordered the parts and they should be here within a week.. In doing so I've saved over $600

my question is should I save another $180 to have them installed? it seems very easy? (buncha screws?) or would I run into wires and a whole lot of mess once I have the old fairing removed?

anyone tried doing it themselves? how hard/easy was it? what do you recommend?





  1. I have removed my fairings many times over the years for normal maintenance and would say that it is a very easy job to do.  A few buddies have installed e-bay fairings to replace ones that were damaged in a dump and they said that things did not always line up perfectly but never complained about it being to hard to do.  The only tools you will need will be a set of metric t-handled allen wrenches which are cheap.  Do not tighten the fairings too much or the plastic will crack, I have managed to make this mistake on every bike I have owned so be careful.  If you do crack one don't worry to much since noone will see it and I have never had a problem, the tricky ones seem to be where the main side fairing meets the nose piece.  Take your time removing them and pay special attention to the tail piece since it will be the hardest one to get back on.  Also the pop clamps are threaded and will not break if you back the s***w out first then pull them out, I think they are 15 cents a piece so no real worries if you break a few, just get new ones at your dealer.  All said I would do it yourself and save the money, good luck but I doubt you will need any since it is a very easy job.

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