
Changing internet provider?

by  |  earlier

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I am having problems with my ISP and rang them today for my MAC number. They informed me that it will be sent in the post in 5 working days. Does anyone know if I need to have the code or am I able to go to another provider without it ?




  1. No you need it before you can go elsewhere. i asked for mine last month becasue I was having problems with AOL. They kept sending me to Bombay for help, these people might speak english that other people in Bombay can understand, but people in Scotland cannot understand them and they cna`t understand them Anyhoos, got through to Aol in Waterford and asked for my MAC code. They guy asked why i wanted it, I told him my six weeks of problems and not geting them fixed via India. five minutes later an irish technician comes on the line, 15 minutes later the problem is fixed and has been going great for about a month. still have the mac code, but will probably not need it now.

  2. Hi little weed. You can get your MAC number/code by doing what the first answerer suggested. Go to your start button and click on run. It should have cmd in the box, if not just type cmd and enter. Then type ipconfig/all and the code you need is listed as the Physical address. Good luck x

  3. I don't know what MAC code they are sending.  And no, you definitely don't need it.

    If its just the mac address of your computer, you can see that yourself just by opening a command prompt and typing

    ipconfig /all

    Sounds like they are giving you a runaround.

  4. you need the mac code before they will sign you up.

    Unless you are going on LLU then you don't need it (this is a UK Thing if you are not in the UK ignore this remark)

    For those who are not familiar with the term,a MAC code or migration access code is needed to stop unscrupulous broadband providers taking over someone's internet without their express permission.  A bit like energy provider salesmen have been known to do.

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