
Changing my rats names?

by  |  earlier

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my rats haven't learnt their names and i actually want to change them. at the minute they are known as 'Rafiki' and 'Zazu', they are both males. will it matter if i change their names, i now want to call them 'Remy' and 'Emile'




  1. change  the  names.

  2. the rats wont care if they havent learned their names yet, just make your mind up or they will never get it

  3. I think it would be ok to change their names, but it wouldnt make any difference.


  4. well i had a similar thing with 1 of my 2 guinea pigs. one of them is called cocacola but she didnt seem to like the sound of it, or maybe it was too long for her so i call her "coca" or "cokalina" or "cocakila". she seems to like those names more coz she always responds by squaking or coming towards the cage door and licks my finger...

    so yeah, i think its ok to change the names, but make sure they REALLY respond to them so you dont have to change them again!


  5. hahaha my rats are Remy and Emile from the movie right changing their names should be fine as long as they don't know there names yet my Remy and Emile and the 6 other rats know there names so they come when they are called

  6. idk!

  7. if u have been calling them by their names it might confuse them to if u change them now but rats r very smart o go 4 it

  8. rats dont need namesa

  9. rats dont ******* know what their names are so call them dikhead and A*****e if you want it wont make a differenc.

  10. i dont think it will matter too much if you change their names now because if what you said was true about how Remy came straight over to you when you called then yeah you should change them. maybe they didnt like their old names very much =]  

  11. if they havemt learnt their names then yes it is fine and as for the dumbo below rats are very smart animals  

  12. That's cute.

    You're either really young, or possibly retarded.

  13. Are you being serious here?  Since when did rats acknowledge that they actually have a name?  So, no, I don't think it will matter a bean .....  

  14. they won't mind at all - so change the names if you would be happier doing that.

    its important to be happy with the names, so best to change them.

    good luck.  

  15. rats are very intelegent but i don't think it will matter to much say hi from me i love rats had 3 whizz,Kane and charley

  16. it all depends on if you talk to them alot if not they will never know there names so i cant see it being a problem i have 2 rats and they know there names as i always talk to them and handle them  

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