
Changing the future?

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if your future or someone elses is predicted through a psychic can you change it.




  1. Yes, the future is not set in stone. Psychics can only predict what will be if the present situation goes unchanged.

  2. no...

  3. Yes,ignore the fact you went to psychic.Live your life and forget whatever the phony,useless,abomination told you.

  4. Yes, within limited margins. For example if someone predicts that you can fly.

    If you get on an airplane does that still count? What if you never fly on an airplane the rest of your life, then you're exercising free will. (but then you may never have a need, then they would be wrong) -then ask yourself was it something I did or a personal belief that kept me from flying? -then again it would be free will.

  5. I have been a reader for over 30 years.  One of the things I dislike about my work is that most people who come in for a reading think I have the answers to everything about their future, that what I have to tell them is set in stone. It is NOT!

    Think of yourself as a drop of water at the top of a waterfall.  Let's say if you bounce off every drop of water along the way to the bottom of the waterfall, that is your life's journey, each 'HIT' shoots you off in a different direction, how many ways can your life go?

    A psychic/clairvoyant, clairsentinent, whatever can basically see all the possibilities (if they are a good one) and in a manner of speaking tell you that if you were to keep CHOOSING the kind of HITS along the way that you have so far in life CHOSEN then... the most likely path you will take would be.... their prediction for you.

    But if you know that you don't like how your life has been going and you don't like what you hear about your future, you can actively CHOOSE to change it.

    If a reader tells you that he/she sees you getting pregnant within a year and you DON'T want to get pregnant, then you make sure you take contraceptives and your partner wears a condom and anything else that will prevent it from happening, right?

    Your life is ALWAYS your choice.  Psychics/Readers are only there to help guide you.  A good reader will actually give you options... if you do this, then this will happen.  If you do this then this will happen, etc.  Some pinnacles can be reached, for example, if your life is the alphabet and you start at birth with the letter A then go to B and C and D etc, there are many ways you can get from A to B, from B to C etc.  Sometimes, psychics will pick those pinnacles and that is the only time I will say, things may be difficult to change.  For example, at point C, you might have a death in the family, for example, or your house gets burgled, whatever.  But again, you can take 'steps' to lessen the impact.

    But above all, please do not allow psychics or readers to instill fear into your life about a future you do have control over.

  6. If you ask a psychic apologist they will no doubt tell you it is possible to change the future after a reading.  That way they can claim they're psychic if they are remotely correct and they can claim they're psychic if they're completely wrong.  How convenient that would be.

    The fact is that no one has ever been able to consistently demonstrate any sort of psychic ability that couldn't also be explained by guessing.

  7. Yes!

    Every decision you make and every action you take changes the events of the future. Even breathing! Most of the time it is difficult to SEE the changes because you have nothing to compare it to.

  8. you are the master of ur own fate ,and should never give this power to another person .

    a good reader will not say "u are going overseas next year " they would say "there is an oportunity to go overseas next year " that leaves u to decide .so ,a good reader can see what's heading ur way and u decide what to do about it

    (a sceptic ,ofcourse, will say that's a self fulfilling prophesy ,and if u don't see it ur wrong !!)

  9. Yes, of course.  The future isn't set - every action you, or anyone else makes, would change the course of future events.  And that is why NO ONE can predict the future, although plenty of people claim they can and will happily charge you money to do so.  But it's a scam - no one can predict the future.

    If you want something to happen in your life, don't pay someone to tell you it will.  Go out there and make it happen.

  10. Depends, are you rolling the dice or are you the dice that are being rolled? Free will changes the outcome, but if you lack free will and are nothing more than a drifter then...

  11. Yes you can. The future is always changing. Not being able to change the future is an illusion.

    If you don't like what a psychic has to tell you, then ask them how you go about changing it. You can delve deeper into a reading and find out what circumstances and actions are going to cause the future experience. Most times, a negative future reading is either a warning (which gives you the chance to change it) or there is a blessing in disguise. A good psychic should be able to see that and give you more info, you just have to ask.

  12. This was the question I asked last week in Mythology & Folkfure, but I think you can. Everytime you predict someone's future it changes and the next time you ask again it changes again and again, and again, and again. That's why you hear different things from different Psychics everytime. In the end, God knows your future and no one else should know it.

  13. A psychic told me you can change it. Evidently I changed mine.

  14. You make your own future, period.

  15. Apparently you can, because very, very few psychic predictions actually happen.

  16. Dear friend,

    Yes when we come to this world 65% of our life is governed by destiny and 35% we have our will. So when we talk about future we have to work on two things, 1. Try to reduce effect of destiny and 2. Try to use willful action to live life in divine way.

    Well for both to achieve regular spiritual practice as per the basic principles of spirituality is must. So when we do spiritual practice it helps in reducing ill effects of destiny and we get insight to use our willful action righteously. In short we can change our future….

    Please visit following link to know about what are basic principles of spirituality….


    With warm regards,

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