How do you feel about adoptive parents changing the name of their child? (I'm wondering this because my fiance and I have been discussing the possibility of having one or two biological children and adopting one or two from foster care.) Does your opinion change based on the age of the child? Does your opinion change based the birth name of the child?
On one hand, I see why adoptive parents would want to give their child a new name now that he/she has become part of a new family. After all, shouldn't the parents who are raising the child have the right to choose the child's name? This would especially make sense if the adopted child's birth name didn't fit at all with the other children's names or if the parents strongly disliked the name.
On the other hand, I see how it could seem they were being disrepectful to the birth parents or trying to alter the child's identity in some way, especially if the child was older.
Your opinion?