
Changing the world?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ideas, or force, that change the world? Why?




  1. www.

    This is for Christain Teens, parents, youth leaders, ect

  2. 1st it's idea's, and people agree it's a good idea.  Then nobody follows through on the good idea, and USA shows up with bombs, and their like, OK, you haven't done anything about that good idea we gave you, now here's some bombs!

  3. action

  4. ideas, inspiration, work, trend...

  5. well trying to Change the world is hard and take time. force could help but we don't what people will if we use force. probable can change the world but had to do something big to happen.

  6. to change the world we must start with ourselves, with our thoughts, and lead by example...

    it is by either it can be changed!  good or bad..  We are not making things better by force, so our thoughts and ideas must change in order to restore peace.
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