
Changing your cell phone number?

by  |  earlier

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i want to change my cell phone number because ive had it for a couple years and too many people know it now. i was wondering how i could do that and if i could change it for no reason or would i have to give AT&T a good reason?

also, does it cost money to change your number?? thanks!




  1. there is typically a fee for changing your number. call into your customer care to get that changed for you! and also be careful because a number change will prorate your minutes... meaning from the day you changed it, to your bill cycle date you will be allotted less minutes than you would normally. so becareful, i have customers who go over their minutes because of the changr :( so if you change your number you will see the cell phone number change fee on your next bill. but you can slways change your number - just be aware of what happens when you do.

  2. AB you can always change your number just call and ask. With ATT there is a $36 number change fee though. They can do it over the phone for you and it will appear on the next bill.

    You can call customer care at 1-800-331-0500 and just ask

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