
Channel 4 was full of "strong language" warnings for Farenheit 9/11, did you notice?

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Almost as if they were warning of something else. That film made me fell like I've been half asleep. And I bet the corruption it talked about is only the tip of the iceberg.




  1. Absolutely - yet having seen it before, I fail to see what was in there that was worse than what we see on 'normal' terrestrial tv!  

    It's an eye-opener; undoubtedly full of the best spin but at least it encouraged people to reconsider what they see in the media & think "what if they ARE telling the truth".

  2. I know i just couldnt believe it. How has he got away with it? I cant believe that this is possible and that innocent men and women are losing their lives for oil . it is beyond belief.

  3. Re F.9/11 - Read the history of UK and you'll quickly realise that what is happening now is not much different to what happened back in the 18th and 19th centuries.  Only difference is that back then there was no media coverage of what happened and nothing much ever allowed to be written down in the history of the time[s].

    Oil, otherwise called simply 'black gold', is worth billions of dollars an hour.  The USA is just not going to allow a bunch of warlords and their raghead supporters to take control of it in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter.

    The Russians have oil and lots of it, probably as much as Iraq or more once it is totally developed.

    Re Afghanistan - this has been a h**l hole for centuries.  In the 19th century the British wanted to build a railway [railroad] across it from northern India which would have allowed goods to be transported as far west as the Med. by train.  No deal - we got killed for it.

    Now in Afghanistan an oil pipeline is being constructed.  This will bring billions of dollars worth of oil per hour to where it is needed.

    No bunch of Taliban or any other raghead army are going to stop this happening.  Too much is at stake here.

    To find out more about Afghanistan, try these sites : -

    The Jews of Afghanistan The traditional links that existed between the Jews of Persia, Central Asia and Afghanistan were severed. From the middle of the 18th century, the Afghan ...

    Afghanistan main interactive web site, made by Afghans for Afghans Afghanistan site, leading Afghan website for Afghans. Afghan Chat, Afghan Music, news, Voice chat, Forum, ... Medieval Period (7th - 18th Century) :: ...

    Informed CommentHe left the job half done in Afghanistan and ran off to Iraq, ..... This is the big game of the 21st Century. But our “leaders” have to lead us down to ...


    WWW-VL History Index. History of Afghanistan WWW-VL HISTORY: AFGHANISTAN this site is looking for a maintainer, December 2005. ... Moghul & Safavid Empire, from Afghan Info Centre. 18th Century ...

    Timeline of the history of Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free ...This is a timeline of the history of Afghanistan. To read about the background to these events, see History of Afghanistan. ... [edit] 18th century ...

  4. That is a horrible moive that is all propaganda.

  5. I would think there would be warnings regarding gross mis-use of logic and unrealistic depictions of rational thought.

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