
Channel 7 ..where did the live gold game go??

by  |  earlier

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im watching the game,because 7 had been showing the game ..the olp games in general are almost over

so 7 goes to news..and replays a whole bunch of repeated sports c**p.,instead of airing the rest of the game i have to turn on the radio to find it..

what a joke..




  1. Absolutely ridiculous their coverage of the Men's Basketball Gold Medal match. Multiple ad breaks in a single quarter and cutting the 4th quarter short for news... I want to contact them and tell them how bad of a job they did.  

  2. I was furious!! They ruined the game for us. They started late, had too many commercials during the play, and they switched over to the 30 mins news at 3 mins remaining of 4th quarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm never going to watch channel seven again!  

  3. I feel your pain. The only good thing about it was that we didn't hear Andrew Gaze c**p commentary.

  4. So did you watch the end of the game? I saw the gold medal award. I thought they were supposed to play that awesome anthem song, but they didn't.

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