
Channel 9 claims Ben Cousins gone off the rails on huge cocaine binge in LA?

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Channel 9 claim that Benny Boy went on a five day binge in LA which ended when a female phoned 911 asking for an ambulance because he had overdosed. Apparently Ben's long suffering dad, Bryan Cousins, had to fly to the US to get Ben.

I am no fan of Ben Cousins, but even I am starting to feel desperately sorry for him. I don't think he will ever get over this addiction until he admits he has done wrong. I feel even more desperately sorry for his poor parents, it must be simply heart wrenching to watch a talented, good looking child of yours ruin their life so spectacularly.

Should Channel 9 have let this story out or should the media leave Ben be to hopefully recover in private? Will Ben ever recover in the glare of the public eye? What's your opinion on this sad saga?




  1. He's a self absorbed immature idiot.  He has embarrassed himself, his family and his friends.

    Grow up Ben Cousins.  You are a waste of time.

  2. Daisy, Thousands of junkies have parents who have witnessed their offspring wreck their lives. Ben is not the first, to become an addict. The only difference is that Ben Cousins is public property who made a lot of money being a celebrity.Just because he is no longer playing football, does not alter his celebrity status.

    The TV and media are put in place to deliver news to the public, otherwise we would be looking at a blank screen.

    Ben chose to play football in the glare of the public eye, and unfortunately if he wants to recover, this will also be done in a fish bowl.

    Bens manager has stated that Ben has invested his money wisely. This could soon fritter away if he is out of work, and lost his credibility. Nobody will ever trust him again.

    A sad saga, but they are the cold hard facts, if you choose to be a junkie.

  3. Ben Cousins is a free person to do what he wants, leave him alone!!

    If this is how he choses to live his life then let him do it!

    It's only because he's in the public eye that we hear about it.

  4. Where's there smoke there is a fire of some sorts and most times it a parent that is always some how caught up it it all,

    Because of it and that Ben if he can recover from this as this is one very troubled person,

    No one is perfect, high profile people are contantly under a strain , of what they do, and at times make a foolish mistakes and  when they are such high  profile people, they are news worthy,

    Pressure can and do lead people astray, But the other flip side to it all what can Australia do.

    The story was it not reported in the US by ringing 911 , and seeing that who it was ,That alone would start the news teams start watching as News would have been beamed back to Australia as soon as the Hospital via 911 call. so in fact it would not have only been Channel 9 but others as well.

  5. Please believe me when I say that I had never heard of Ben Cousins till he hit the papers with this cocaine business. I have very mixed feelings about it. I get a little angry and sad when I think of all that talent wasted. What a future that boy had. Now its all gone.  I also get a little angry and sad at the media for publicising all that Ben and his family are going through. Yes the media should leave him alone as I think they are contributing to the hurdles that this boy has to overcome. Sorry to keep calling him a boy but to me he is a very troubled boy. He needs to be left alone to confront and come to terms with his addiction. The only people he needs in his life at this time are the people who love him. He can do without those just trying to make a dollar out of him. This situation is too sad for that.

  6. Bens a grub !

  7. What Channel 9 claim and report is usually a long stretch of the truth and they will hype any tiny thing Ben does just to make headlines.

    Ben is a drug addict and has destroyed his career with his careless behavior, but he is still a human being with many faults and weaknesses.  

    The more he is pursued by the media and public, the worst he will become.  I cant even imagine the amount of pressure he is under right now.  I have no doubts he is suffering depression due to his addiction and situation.

    His poor parents and family *sigh*

    I wish everyone would just leave him alone and let him get his life back together.

  8. Hi Daisy.

    I've worked in an area that was highly politically charged and I can tell you now that the big media in this country doesn't give a rat's left t******e for the truth.  When you actually know what is really going on and you see what goes in the paper, you realise that media is trying to drive news not report it.

    What sells in the news are 'lazy, incompetent public servants', 'politicians who collect p**n', 'footballers or media stars who are on drugs' and if they can't find any, they'll create them.  The complex debates about complex issues like native forest logging vs the damage caused by plantations or drug rehabilitation vs 'zero tolerance' don't sell newspapers.  2000 people a YEAR dying in car crashes doesn't sell papers but 5 dying in aircraft inferno - THAT sells.

    Thousands of people a year suicide, hundreds of thousands are addicted to drugs, millions to nicotine and alcohol but that doesn't sell.  Depression affects 15% of the population ... nope, nothin there.  BUT ... Ben Cousins shags Cameron Diaz ... now there's a story, whether it happened or not!

    Sad, isn't it?

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