
Chaos/Khaos greek goddess of emptiness and confusion?

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So for a history class I'm taking I have to write a one page biography on a greek god or goddess and this Chaos/Khaos was the one I got assigned. I'm having trouble finding information on her. Please if you have any good links with plenty of information for me to write my report about I would really appreciate it! Also have to draw a picture so if you have any good pictures of her that would be awesome too!




  1. The person who said Chaos isn't a valid god or goddess is 100% wrong.  Eris, by the way, is not Chaos or the goddess of Chaos- she's the goddess of discord, which is a little different.  That goddess brought strife to man's life through war for example, or just in general caused trouble (see: judgment of Paris).  Easy on that whole casting stones thing.

    Chaos is most certainly a goddess- in fact, it was the very FIRST thing there was- all of creation sprung from Chaos, most notably the heaven and earth.  Of course to be fair, it was more of a state of nothingness, and wasn't really personified like the other gods.  So if your teacher MEANT Eris, who is more personified more filled in terms of stories, that's one thing, but there IS a divinity Chaos and Eris is not it.  

    Main evidence and mention of Chaos can be found in Theogany by Hesiod, which dealt with the creation of the universe and birth of the gods

    I think there might be some small mention in the Metamorphoses of Ovid as well

    Here is another source for Chaos in general

    And good luck with finding a lot of information... there really isn't much.   You kind of got the shaft on that selection.  On the other hand, since there isn't much there to take from, your teacher shouldn't expect a lot.  Drawing it would be kind of hard, since it's a black void, but you might want to draw earth and heaven emerging from Chaos.  That could be cool.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You have not found anything because her name is not Chaos/Khaos. Try "Eris". If your teacher listed her name as Chaos/Khaos, he/she needs to go back to school and pay attention!!


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

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