
Character?.....Haven't Republican voters figured out yet what horrendous judges of character they are?

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They voted in George W. Bush and yet continue to claim they are good judges of character!! And what about hypocrisy? Their "family values" core gave us the likes of Larry Craig, David Vitter, Vito Fossella, and Mark Foley!

Oh, yeah.....I'm sure going to trust the opinions of this unbelievable group of lamebrains and knuckleheads that are too busy driving around in their pickups shooting highway signs and small animals to have a clue about the really important issues facing the country.

Welcome to the White House, Senators Obama and Biden!




  1. No, and they don't care. They're selfish and full of hate for freedom loving Americans.

  2. Oh know the Democratic choice for an Adulterer with the balls of a hummingbird is definatelly a better choice of character like Clinton.

    Let's see A Veteran who has served his Country for over 22 years, who actually fought to protect the country that you call home while Obama was at home studying the Quran and eating frootloops. A man who refused an early release as a POW where he was brutully beaten and tortured, all for the Love and Loyalty of this Country, as opposed to a man who served all of 143 days as Senate half of which he has campaigned for President. who said himself a few years back that he would NOT run for President in 2008 because he wouldn't be qualified or have enough experience, I say take the man at his own word and Vote for Man whose not afraid to fight to protect you, whose not afraid to let us become self sufficient with our oil in Drilling in our Land, a Man who realizes that with the Economy as it is we can't afford another friggin tax increase.

    I say Vote McCain...NOT....Hussein

  3. The Dems choose a man who hangs out with terrorists and you accuse the Repubs of not being a good judge of character. You put Clinton in the white house, JFK, FDR and they all had affairs. FDR started us down the socialist path and you call Repubs knuckleheads.  Obama thinks a baby that survives an abortion should not get medical care bc it might inconvenience the mother, and you call the repubs lamebrains. You choose a man who gave 20 thousand dollars to a church that spews hate and again you point the finger. Wow! Maybe you should talk to your doctor about the delusions.

  4. Funny.  You care so much about the shooting of small animals, but it doesn't bother you that Obama plans to deplete our military and allow our troops and the people we are defending to become victims of terrorists.  I don't know where you live, but I live in NYC and I remember the sight of lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001.  My husband is a police officer who had to rush down there after terrorists destroyed our beautiful city.  I worried about him then and worry about the after-effects now.   I frantically waited for hours to hear from family members as they escaped the area.  I lost neighbors and watched people I know suffer the loss of family members because of that horrendous terrorist attack.  I NEVER again want to experience that or worry about experiencing it.  I want a president who will keep our country safe, not Barack Hussein Obama who wants to cut the military budget by billions.  

        The rest of the country doesn't have to see the constant reminder of what happened on 9/11, but every time I look at the skyline of lower Manhattan and see the gap where the twin towers stood, I could cry.

  5. yea thats right


  6. Yeah, but I just wonder why the democrats think they have to throw even bigger losers against the GOP!

    Of course, a democrat can shite his pants on national TV and the media gives him a pass. . . .  

  7. Sorry I didn't read the whole question, I was counting how many convicted felon Democrats are in Congress.

  8. Your bigoted abusive rant reflects badly on you.

    You think Obama is a good judge of character?

    Ayer's: domestic terrorist

    Rezco: Slumlord criminal

    Rev Wright: Race baiting hate monger.

    Rashid Khalidi: Member of PLO when it was considered terrorist organization.

  9. Both parties are filled with scumbags. To claim you can sit on a moral high horse because you're a liberal is ignorant. Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, the Presidents of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both liberals), Kiwame Kilpatrick, Ted Kennedy (actually all of the Kennedy's), Emil Jones (mentor to Obama), etc.  

  10. I honestly think they are crazy, seriously.

  11. Thats because half this country is a bunch of uneducated fools that tend to reproduce more often than educated people. Thus putting more people into poverty, with no education and no dreams of becoming better. The amount of people of low socioeconomic status add more and more to their population everyday. THen they EXPECT the government to give them everything for free, when all they contribute are more gang bangers and criminals. Giving everyone free this and that will just corrupt our government even more. People need to learn how to move up on the ladder of life, not just how to suck the life out of the rest of us.  

  12. No, because they're not.

    Yes, you can pick & choose your example, anyone could come up with a list of immoral democrats, too.

    Oh, yeah ... reported.

  13. I would have to agree with you on this point, but the only reason I voted for these clowns is because the choices presented by the democratic party were even worse.  I don't like Bush and am not a fan of many of the stupid mistakes that the GOP has been involved in, like our unnecessary war, the g*y s*x scandals, the financial corruption with lobbyists, and i can go on.

    I think that McCain has some real potential to shake things up which is why I am backing him.  He has a record of doing just that and so does his running mate.  I don't think voting for a man who is owned by and is being backed by anti-Americans like Michael Moore and Jane Fonda, on the other hand, is a wise decision.  If we had someone like Bill Clinton, a pragmatic centrist, running and a Republican congress backing him up, I'd consider voting that ticket.  But right now, we've got Obama along with extremists like Pelosi and Reid at his side as our only other option and I am not comfortable with that option at all.

  14. Bush was a better choice than Kerry and Edwards....

  15. you wish jacka$$  

  16. Right wing nuts are a bunch of clowns

  17. Read this, then think real hard.

    Remember; this is not written by uninformed whack-jobs like those at the KOS or MoveOn. These are real journalists

  18. Nope.  Republicans are very SLOW.  Maybe not necessarily across all intellectual levels, but in general they are much more easily fooled by their leaders.

    It probably has to do with the fact that they are taught from a young age not to question authority and not to question the Bible.  They are against free-thinking and believe that what is, should be and they should stay conservative to the past.

    That overwhelmingly overrides any attempt to even judge character.  If you called Bush, President "X" and listed all the things he did, they would say he is the worst president ever.  But if you reveal that President X is a Republican, they will sing praises and deny any wrong doing on his part.

  19. Welcome to the White House Senators Obama and Biden.

    President McCain and Vice President Palin will see you shortly. Please have a seat.

  20. Maybe they are good judges of characters.

    They have some pretty bad characters among them.

    However, the democrats have nothing to brag about either.

    Democrats = welfare

    Republicans = warfare

    Both = deficit spending and eventual bankruptcy

  21. So Slick Willy getting head under the desk in the Oval Office by an intern is "good character"?

    You're joking, right?

  22. character does not matter to them they vote for the white guy with the R besdie his name

  23. I believe I'm a good judge of character when obama says his "paygrade" isn't high enough to say when an unborn childs life begins. I believe I'm a good judge of character to see that the demotax couldn't get their act      together with Hillary which truly shows the divisiveness within the demotax party....and now "ya'll" are jealous of Palin because it shows the unity within the republican party?

    Demotax ain't got no character.

  24. Good point, unless you want me to mention the slew of scum in the other party.  I feel mark foley was not guilty.  

  25. And if you think Sarah Palin walks the high ground check this out;

    Here is proof the article from Kilkenny is authentic:  

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