
Character Name Suggestions?

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I'm writing a short story and I need suggestions for names for some of the characters. Here are their descriptions.

Character One:

Bright coppery red hair in bouncy, corkscrew curls that brush her shoulders, vivid green eyes, a few freckles dotted here and there, a sharp nose and a short, thin frame.

Creative, feisty and a bit over-dramatic, she is a huge goofball and is loud to the point of being obnoxious. She loves filmmaking and she wants to one day be a director. She wears her heart on her sleeve and whatever passes through her mind, comes out of her mouth without a second thought. She is brutally honest, extremely opinionated, loves to travel and finds it difficult to sit still for too long. She is suprisingly compassionate, though, and has a soft spot for animals, especially reptiles; she often jokes that if a career in filmmaking doesn't work out, she'll always have herpetology.

Character Two:

Long, golden blonde hair that falls in loose curls just below her elbows, sky-blue eyes, fair skin, a slightly long nose and a tall, willowy figure (think Blake Lively).

She is kind and compassionate, and frequently goes out of her own way to help wherever she's needed. She loves the holidays, taking it upon herself to vastly decorate her friends' houses for Christmas and relentlessly sing 'Let It Snow' at the top of her voice to anyone who will listen (including innocent last-minute shoppers at her local department store). She is a perfectionist, an obessive cleaner and cannot tolerate messiness of any kind. She is also extremely protective of the people she cares about, and will do just about anything for them.

Character Three:

Stick-straight, dark brown hair in layers, olive green eyes with a dash of hazel, dark African American skin, a small, button nose and an athletic shape.

She is extremely goal-oriented, determined and has a real 'seeing-is-believing' outlook on the world. She is extremely intelligent, and she knows it, for she often states that she 'doesn't spend three-quarters of her time studying just to look sheepishly at the ground when someone gives her a compliment'. She is bold and competitive, never turns down a challenge and is very independent. She has great ambition and her dream is to move to London and attend the University of Oxford. She likes to think things through thoroughly before making a decision, but once she does, she always sticks to it.

Character Four:

Chin-length, choppy, jet black hair, dark brown eyes, *very* slightly tanned skin, a short nose and a petite (just over 5') frame (think Rachael Leigh Cook).

Bubbly, care-free and optimistic, she is always the one to brighten up any situation. She is almost painfully sincere and a bit naive about trusting people, as she has an uncontrollable need to see the good in everyone. She likes unique things, and tries as hard as she can to stay away from the regular. She loves horror movies, daydreaming and junk food (though she has one of those infuriating body types that never gain an ounce). People could (and somethimes do) perceive her as immature, but she really couldn't care less about this; she knows who she is and isn't about to change it.

Any suggestions?




  1. CHARACTER 1: Carleigh/Carly, Dani, Rachael, Rory, Elle, Sylvia, Nickie, Summer

    CHARACTER 2: Riley, Farrah, Christy, Lilah, Ani, Emmalie, Alexandra/Alex, Hailey, Marin

    CHARACTER 3: Victoria, Leah, Aiden, Wendy, Anna, Maggie, Alexandra/ Alex

    CHARACTER 4: Olivia (Liv for short), Leighton, Ivy, Charlie, Arden, Bridget, Stephanie, Natalie

    I hope this helps!  I would love to hear your story; it sounds interesting based on your characters.

  2. I love writing and hope to be a writer when I grow up. I admire you because that is a very good character layout. Every girl seems interesting and you were very descriptive.

    For character one I suggest a forward name such as: Megan, Rachel, or Mackenzie.

    For character two I suggest a softer name like: Beth, Bethany, Lilly, or Lyla.

    For character three I suggest an outgoing name like: Alicia, Cammidy, or Cheyenne.

    For character four I suggest a darker name such as: Taylor, Amber, Chancey, or Lacie.

  3. Chapter 1 - Catherin(Cat for short) or Kerry/Carry/Kari sound good, or Megan

    Chapter 2 - Jenna, Ella

    Chapter 3 - Tasha, Tanya

    Chapter 4 - Carmen, Jessica

    Good luck with your story, I like the character descriptions

  4. Character One: Minna

    Character Two: Ally

    Character Three: Cara

    Character Four: Evelyn

  5. 1 - Eden, Bonnie, Georgia.

    #2 - Annabelle, Victoria, Cassandra.

    #3 - Sasha, Heather, Kyesha.

    #4 - Melinda, Bethany, Carlie.

  6. 1- Her name is Megan Reid, but everyone calls her Meg for short.

    #2- She sounds like a Linda Montgomery

    #3-  Nicole Stewart, but everyone on her soccer team calls her Nikki.

    #4- She is deffinetly a Catherine Sumpter, but she hates it when People call her Catherine. She prefers Cate.  

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