
Character names??

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Ok so I'm writing a story and I need names. The main character has a twin sister who participates in beauty pagents all across the country. She travles with her sister and her mom. The sister is girly and flirty and can be a real b****. I need a name for the sister.

If it helps the twins are blonde with hazel eyes, though the sister of the main character usually wears bright blue colored contacts. I'm thinking of naming the main character Kelly. She is very shy and her right hand and lower arm is a bit deformed from an accident she was in when she was younger. If you have any other suggestions for her name I'll consider and I also need a last name.

Then I need a name for a boy who helps the main character realize she is just as specail as her sister. At first the main charecter tries to ignore him but their friendship grows. He is tall and tan with dark brown hair and light green eyes. I was thinking about using Penn but I need a last name. Other suggestons welcome!! Thanks!!!




  1. How about Kelly and Chloe? Or Isabelle? Belle means beauty.

    This might help too . . .

    Good luck!

  2. It depends. Some authors like names to have meaning. Others just see it as names.

    Myself, I look up name meanings to try to find one that matches the character (or ironically contrasts with their personality).


    those are the top names

  4. Brittany, Britney, Mandy, Ashley, etc...
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