
Character witness statements in paper?

by  |  earlier

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ANYONE KNOW ABOUT THEM?! Or do you HAVE to testify? How are they read? and when?? aLl and any info THANKS!




  1. Character witness statements are just that. Letters written about you, the person you are and your positive attributes by people who  know you.

    The only time a person needs to testify is when they have information about a trial, a witness to the event or have positive information that the court should know in order to make a valid judgment.

    Character letters would be submitted to your lawyer. The more the better, since he is going to choose the ones that will help your case the best. The lawyer will also decide when the best time to submit them to the Judge for his perusal.

    Remember that in a court case, whether criminal or civil, guilt is based on either a preponderance of evidence or guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. As such, if the Judge or jury can be swayed favorably to your side by a glowing character letter written by your Pastor, City Councilman or civic leader, it is always a plus for you.

    Best advice would be to discuss this with your attorney and ask who should submit in your behalf and what points the letters should bring out about you.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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