
Characteristic of MENTAL illness

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I heard that laughing at inappropriate times is a characteristic of some sort of mental illness. LOL. is this ACTUALLY true?




  1. people that talk to themselves in public..thats just not normal to me

  2. Brain tumor.  Brain tumors can make you act inappropriately in various situations.

  3. wow i must be ******* crazy then lol

    if that is a illness i'm happy to have it, just ******* laugh all the time

  4. ten yrs. ago the ans. would have been a flat- out yes. we now know there are several reasons why . one of the most interesting is that some high intelligence types are running way ahead of the program. they have the punch line figured long before it's delivered. others have avoidance issues. it can also represent socialization problems. so if the laugher is you, ask yourself why am i laughing.

  5. I certainly hope not, because I am guilty of laughing at inappropriate times.  

  6.'s called "Not-giving-a-****"-scleroses.

  7. I think it would depend on why the person laughed.  If they are laughing because they have a sick sense of humor then they aren't necessarily mentally ill, just a jerk.  But if they are laughing because the voices in their head are telling them a joke at an inopportune time then yeah they are mental.

  8. It can be.  

  9. It can be a sign of nervousness yes but nervousness can hardly be seen as a mental illness in the truest sense I do not think.

    Best wishes. UK

  10. Yes, but also depends on situation, for example have u ever had a bad time in your life and the only thing can do is laugh. Well i have. and it makes me feel better

    I do work with people with mental illness and its true, especially when their hearing voices. laughing inappropriate can be an indication that they are have hallucinations by hearing voices and seeing people or things that are not there. good question

  11. maybe mental retardation

  12. please see a psychiatrist!

  13. If u laugh after every sentence ; YES .  

  14. oh my it?????? I always wondered why i did that...i just figured it was my way of dealing with something really bad when i heard about it....

  15. no

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