
Characteristics of Five Year Old Boys?

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So, having nothing better to do this summer, I'm writing this story. One of the characters has a younger brother - age 5. What sort of things do children in that age range do? Behaivor, speech... really, any information you have will do.

Thanks very much!




  1. cute




    sometimes annoying



  2. Assuming this is a minor character, you can probably get by with some generalizations, however if he's going to be a large part of the story, I agree witht he first answerer that you should get to know some 5 year-olds before attempting to form a character.  That being said, 5 year old boys can vary wildly.  Some are more reserved and sedentary, most however are highly active, highly competitive-- they want to WIN everything.  They are the BEST at everything.  They are picky eaters, are very concerned with what is boy stuff versus girl stuff.  Some will play with girl stuff if it's available, but will not admit to liking it!  They are prone to injuries, since they're constantly trying to do things beyond their abilities-- like climbing trees, riding skateboards, and trying to ride a two-wheeler.  They will cheat at board games and races, but aren't good at sneaking around so they always get busted.  They tend to be LOUD and need lots of reminders to use inside voices.  What else?  They are still closer to being babies than big boys, so they still need reassurance and lots of physical affection. They tend to have lots of cool questions, like : "Where do the puddles go?" and "How do jets get up in the air if they're so heavy?"  Stuff you can't really answer unless you're into science...  That's all I can think of for now, but good luck.

  3. If your going to write a book I would suggest you stick with something you know something about.

    If you want to know about five year old's I would highly suggest you go to a school near you and volunteer to help out in a kinder garden class. You will find out first hand ALL you need to know and then some.

  4. Very energetic.. playful..sometimes annoying... crazy!! Show offs..cute and adorable

  5. Head to the park for a few hours each day, or visit a child care center.  You will find someone to model your little brother from

  6. haha my lil brother is 4, he doesnt stop talking, he has the most ADORABLE lisp.. he umm LOVES playing with his trucks in the mud, n he hates having bed time, loves bathing, n swimming, n water slides, he is exctied for school in the fall, he loves his bike, he is tough as nails, he is down right adroble.... umm they often put clothes/shoes on wrong, get into yer bellongings, cry when u leave to go out n they arent aloud to go... like umm the swingset is a fun toy for him.. n then of course my 5 year old sister n him fight, n then they play together, n then they fight some more.. lol.. tis pretty fun being the big sis.... OH N THEY HAVE BRAINS LIKE A SPONGE.. dont say anything round them u dont want them to

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