
Characteristics of a creative teacher?

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Characteristics of a creative teacher?




  1. Doesn't always utilize "reader response" after every reading activity; there are other theories to use.

    Takes ideas from other successful teachers and/or lesson plans and puts a twist on it.

    Incoporates media, pop culture, and recent news into the classroom and their lesson.

    ...among other things.

  2. being hopeful .considering the points others ignored not necessarily the best ones but the hidden ones

  3. uses different tools to engages students to assess their thiking so that assessment isnt always  a "test" but ongoing.

    keeps studnts minds focused in a variety of way   to the last second of the lesson

    uses audio , visual stimulus for students-

    their own work to drive their learning- is there only one answer- the students get to decide  options.


    the teacher has to be confindet with themselves to alow this to happen, fast thinking and yet  relinquish learning control onto the students

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