
Characters for new play?

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i would greatly appreciate opinions of the following character names for my new play 'street fellows'







Sergeant Steiger





Dr and Mrs Kennedy

feedback greatly appreciated. thanks... bye!




  1. Its about home and away

  2. Toadie- Sounds like a bit of a rough person.

    Madge- Don't know why, but it sounds like a young-ish character. Maybe 18/19/20?

    Harold- A posh person.

    Paul- A nice, loving character.

    Stingray- Bad guy.

    Lou- Bit of a plain person. In late 30s, early 40s?

    Sergeant Steiger- Not sure about this one.

    Janelle- An older character who likes to help.

    Sky- A very kind-hearted girl. A bit hippy-ish.

    Libby- Nice, kind character.

    Drew- Plain, working class.

    Dr and Mrs Kennedy- Posh. Very upper-class.

    Thats what I think when I look at the names. Did I get any right? Hehe.


  3. what is it called neighbours let me guess its set in Australia on a street call Ramsey street?

  4. Heh heh wow that has an UNCANNY resemblance to the tv show neighbours.....! ;)

  5. Janelle sounds like a right chav!!

  6. This sounds like a 'coming of age musical by your ideas. I dont know why I know I know hardly anything about this play what so ever but it sounds like, as they say in the tony world, it could be the next rent, musical or not. just make sure its not a Newsies, West Side Story, or a gangsta play and your all set. Do something with this play. I can feel it it's going to be uber awesome if you think outside of the box thats outside of the box your already thinking out of. (That sounds like nonsense but its not.)

    I'll give you one persons honest open opinions on these names, so just consider them (I love to write plays too so no worries, not a bad idea)

    Toadie - no good what so ever (not be harsh but just trying to save this play

    Madge - three stars out of five

    Harold - is has possibilities

    Paul - only for anybody 45 or over

    Stingray - great! some might think it a little risky, unrealistic, lame, so not - very realistic at the least

    lou - good

    Sergeant Steiger - good

    Janelle - :D niceeeeee

    Sky - these last  ones are great!

    Libby - again with the possibilities

    Drew  - 4 stars out of five (when i say 'good', thats a 4 1/2 to

    5 stars)

    Dr & Mrs. Kennedy - niceeeeeeeee

    good luck, and remeber what I said - do something with this play. you can start off in local theatres and high schools and make the dreams of some lucky young people by being the first, the original cast, then move it up.

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