
Charge for research???

by  |  earlier

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Hi I want to start a research business online. basically it will work like this... someone gives me a topic that they want/needs to be researched and i will research whatever information they need too know. The problem is, I don't know how to price my research because some ppl might want the research in depth and some might just want a few surface facts or little information. I am really good in researching anything and all is accurate with legit sources. another problem is that i cant charge by hour because my "extensive" research only takes me minutes to find and confirm its accuracy so what should i charge by? the longest i've ever taken is 30 minutes. I didn't think of making this hobby of mine into a business until i noticed that many ppl told me my research was really fast and accurate. I want to start my research biz from home using my home computer. I just need to know what to charge by? PLEASE HELP!!! THANX SOOOO MUCH!!!!




  1. First off you need to figure out who will use your research service. Are you going to work for students... business people... attorneys... advertising companies?

    And then you need to decide what type of research you'll provide. Research is a huge field, and you can't honestly say that you do it all. Some forms of research require you to have access to specialty databases.

    My suggestion is that you get a copy of Mary Ellen Bates' book "Building & Running a Successful Research Business: A Guide for the Independent Information Professional."

    It will give you a lot of insight that you need to make your business a success.

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