
Charges on credit card?

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I got charged for some fees that I don't know on my credit card. Is there any way for me to avoid those payments?

It's actually some kind of trial product I signed up for. They started to charge me for monthly fees after the trial period, and I didn't even know. They didn't say anything about the monthly fees on the home page, either on the term and condition or FAQ, so it is really hard to know they actually charge for monthly fees. Here's the site:




  1. You are not the only one to be duped by this outfit. Here is what their "terms" are as listed on their web site:

    Account Cancellation (within Free Trial Period).

    Account may NOT be cancelled until after Customer has received the Product. If Customer is not satisfied with the Product, Customer must contact Company's customer service department at 866-475-5733 or by emailing our customer care at to cancel Customer's subscription before the Free Trial Period expires. Customer must return at least one of the three compact discs in the Product in order to cancel Customer's account with no further obligation. Customer service will issue Customer a return merchandise authorization (RMA) number, which must be prominently displayed on the outside of Customer's return shipment. If Customer cancels before the Free Trial Period has expired and returns one of the three compact discs using a valid RMA number, Customer will not be billed further. Customer will be able to keep two of the three compact discs FREE just for trying the Product.

    Account Cancellation (after Free Trial Period).

    If Customer wish to cancel Customer's subscription after the Free Trial Period has ended, Customer must contact Company's customer service department at the number listed below. Customer's account will be cancelled immediately, no further shipments of the Product will be sent and no further charges to Customer's credit card will be applied.

    Dispute Resolution and Charge Back Procedure.

    Company will make every effort to provide the Product as specified in this contract. In the event Customer feels that the handling of any operational issue or the handling of charges by Company has been unfair or unreasonable, Customer agrees to notify Company by certified mail of the unresolved issue prior to filing a credit card charge back, lawsuit or complaint. Customer agrees to give Company fourteen days from the date of receipt to resolve the dispute. If Customer does not receive a response from Company within fourteen days of the date of receipt of the original request, then Customer may pursue any action without penalty.

    Customer Service

    If you have any questions or comments, please call us toll free at 1.866.475.5733. Our customer service department is available from 7:00am - 6:00pm Monday through Friday (MST) and 9:30am - 4:00pm Saturday (MST). If you call outside of normal business hours, please leave a message, including your name and telephone number, and a customer service representative will respond within 48 hours. You may also visit our website anytime at

    Now if they DO NOT follow their own policy and still continue to charge you then I would do the following:  call credit card company and inform them you wish to stop any further charges made by this company.

    Next, contact your states attorney generals office and file a complaint and send a copy of the complaint to Overnight Genius at the following address:

    Overnight Genius

    6899 Winchester Circle

    Boulder, Colorado, 80301


    This company is just another of the thousands of rip offs on the internet.

    Hope this answers your question

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The advice contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as Legal Counsel nor Legal Advice.

  2. You could dispute it, but if you were responsible for un-subscribing after the trial period you don't have a case. Most trials of anything will say, Free for 30 days, after that you have to tell them you no longer want to be a part of it.

    Good Luck!

  3. Dispute the charge with your credit card.  You may or may not win, but it's worth a try.

    Be sure to cancel the service/membership, in writing if you can.   There are a lot of these kinds of things that are less than up front about future charges.  It's probably there somewhere on the website but not necessarily easily seen.  Being asked for your credit card number is pretty much a dead giveaway that you will end up charged for something.

  4. Mike, you can always dispute charges on a credit card.

    Print out every page of the site, clicking on every link. Print out any agreement page about accepting the free trial. Take it all to the bank which issued your credit card.

    The bank staff can read over what you agreed to and see if there's anything committing you to charges after the trial period ended. If there isn't, they may be able to wipe them.

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