
Chariteis that raise money to fite global warming-are they scams?

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cuz ive seen charities that say donate money to support the fight against global warming, but how could money stop a natural process? this is al gores fault. all her cares about is his wallet. i hope he knows how stupid he looks....but seriously. these charities have got to be scams!!!




  1. ski - Whatever "scientific" database you think you were reading, it would sure be nice if you provided a link as evidence instead of merely asserting things that are incorrect. Only 6 planets or moons out of the 100+ bodies in the solar system have been observed to be warming.

    There are good and bad charities associated with every cause.  Just because some individual food charity might scam people, doesn't mean no one is hungry.  And just because some individual global warming related charity might scam people, doesn't mean there is no global warming.

    Calling Al Gore stupid, when the National Academy of Sciences, NASA (who has more climate scientists than any other organization in the world), and countless other scientific climate science research organizations agree with him, calls into question your own knowledge of the subject.  Perhaps you should do a little reading on the subject before calling anyone else stupid.

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

  2. It's not really a scam if they do something with the money that the donor wants them to do.  It's no more a scam than a religious organisation taking money to spread their message.  

    Charities are like a business in that they receive money to provide a service.  The service is to do something with the money (although in this case, they are unlikely to be planting trees, they probably write some letters to politicians and issue media releases and maybe make campaign contributions).

    Never the less, people are making a lot of money out of the beliefs of others.  Charities are a big part of the economy and, while they don't have share holders, the executives make salaries similar to company executives.

  3. Last night I saw an ad on TV from a supposed foundation to help endangered animals. They show a video of a polar bear cub on a floating bit of ice with its mother. After the mother jumped off the ice, the cub reluctantly followed. You were left to think that the cub was about to drown or starve, Then a woman came on who looked like she was about to cry and said that your donations can save the lives of polar bears.

    I thought it was a total scam.

    Read my blog and watch a cool video about the global warming myth and let me know what you think.

    note to Franky: no research is necessary because the premise of the charity is false. Polar bears are thriving and the man-made global warming theory is just a theory. With the help of the government, these foundations have a license to steal. They can do it in a way that is legal by paying themselves salaries and donating the rest of the money to their friends who are selling carbon credits. Carbon credits is another scam that is also legal, but I won't go into that here.

    If you would like to learn about other legal scams read this article:

  4. All charities can be verified. You can ask for their accounting numbers to see how much money is coming in and exactly where it goes. Then verify the sources and see if you are rightfully accusing them of filling up their wallets! Be objective in your research and don't be afraid of asking many questions. Accusing people to be crooks is easy and unfair. If you realize that it is just a scam then you can prove it and put the word out by writing to your local newspaper. If you are not willing to go that far, do not accuse others and look at yourself. Good luck with your research; I'd be happy to see the result...

  5. What can a charity do that will help polar bears?  

    Hmmm...what a perplexing notion.  Especially since they are great swimmers and have been seen hundreds of miles from shore.  Their fur is not really fur, and they are not white.  The 'hair' on their fur is air-filled to enable them to stay afloat for long periods.  It also helps them stay warm under the harshest conditions.  Under different lighting, you notice a bluish tinge actually.  They are equally at home on land or in the water.  Some people believe they are more aquatic.  

    I would want lots more information before sending a polar bear charity any money, lol! Like what exactly would the money be used for?

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