
Charity Orgernizations ,Do they have any hidden agendas?

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During my last years visist to one coutry sothern Asia and two countries in Africa

in those three countries i found over 300 charity orgenizations in each country offering help to the street children. In fact each country had below 280 street childern in total. i wonderd when i found some streeet children picking the pockets of travellers while each firm could succesufully care for a child a sweep them all out of the street.

every time such firms ask for funds to move their firms succesfuly and at last many beneficiaries do not gain anything.

My Question is what is the agenda of such many charity bodies while the way they execute their work is totally premature?


Jonathan Bruce Muwanguzi




  1. just to fill their pocket

  2. Many of these local based charities are actually funded by large Western charities like World Vision, Save the Children, etc.  Rather than setting up their own local presence these large international charities search for local partners "on the ground" who can work in their own communities for change.  These local charities are often run by a handful of people who wish to do something tangible to make real change in their area.  Their motives may be religious or simply to care for mankind.  There are probably some organizations that are also totally ineffective and in it for all the wrong reasons -- let's hope they are in the minority.  

    The answer to the problem of street kids in these countries is not as simply as simply "sweeping them all out of the street".  Sure, one or two charities could do that over a couple of days.  But where would these kids go?  Without a home or education they would simply return to the streets.   In Africa surely many of these kids are AIDS orphans with no home to go to.  The local charity works with the kids one-on-one to show them there are alternatives to life on the street.  They get them the medications they need -- immunizations that we in the Western world take for granted.  They work them one-on-one to get them some kind of education and a stable home environment.  Depending on their age they will also train the kids to become self sufficient, teaching them how to grow crops for survival or make food to feed themselves.  They will sometimes loan the older kids money so they can start their own business.  This process takes a long time and unfortunately just when they succeed with a handful of children, another 50 appear and they must begin anew with those kids.

    Convincing kids that it is better they learn to care and provide for themselves than picking the pockets of travellers isn't something that happens by sweeping them all off the streets.  The local charities also must work with local police to deal with the criminal bosses behind the pickpocketers because until those disappear, more and more kids will just be recruited to a life of crime on the streets.

    Considering all of this, doesn't it sound reasonable that a local charity with only 5 volunteers working for it may only be able to provide meaningful help and change to 20 kids at a time? Quickly replaced by 20 or 50 more when they succeed?

  3. yes, their agenda is for all to learn to spell "organization".

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