
Charity Questions?

by  |  earlier

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hey, what question can u ask for a charity or a food bank?

thx alot for ur help




  1. questions about what......?

  2. Ask what you want to find out.   If you want to know where they are ask that.  If you want to know if they are for real ask if they have a 501c3 (federal non profit status) Ask who sponsors them and wwho they serve and how long they've been around.

    If you are wanting to know what questions they can ask you they can and prolly will ask ID, name address possibly phone, income and why you need help.

    Hint on questions.  when you post one read it back over and ask yourself if someone who didn't already know what you wanted to know like you do would know it after they read the question.That way answers are a ot more useful to you.  :)

    For more info go to www.second
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