
Charity for famine in africa?

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i have to make a persuasive speech about donating or helping a charity for starvation in aftica. i cant find a good charity to pick, id rather a well known one, but any charity will work.




  1. Well, I will give you some charities that you can support or use for your research, but I will also give you something better... the resource where I found all of them!

    Action Against Hunger (See first link below)

    Feed the Children (See second link below)

    Feed My Starving Children (See third link below)

    The last two resource links below are the resource website where I found all of these charities, and a Facebook application which actually allows you to earn money for Action Against Hunger each time you make an online purchase, or complete a free survey...

  2. Wouldn't it be better to donate to our own hungry in America? They exist all around.

  3. CARE International is my favorite. They are focused on helping women and girls -- those who are affected most by poverty, conflict, natural disaster and climate change.  

    Charities aren't so much about helping the "starving" in Africa as they are about empowering people to be able to take care of themselves.

    If you want to focus only on crisis food delivery, then focus on the World Food Program.

  4. I wanted to let you know about Kiva (, a non-profit that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur in the developing world.

    You choose who to lend to - whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq - and as they repay their loan, you get your money back.  It’s a powerful and sustainable way to empower someone right now to lift themselves out of poverty.

    Check it out!

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