
Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor?

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I don't understand why they have sponsors on the sides of their panniers that are blurred out on th TV (also I've noticed this on helmets too)

Why is this?




  1. it's because its on the bbc and the bbc doesn't advertise or promote as it is government funded.

    but it makes no sense as these companies would have sponsored them to ride around and would want publicity - which i doubt they got much of in the middle of mongolia lol

  2. It was originally on Sky, now its repeated on the BBC, your not allowed to advertise on the BBC

  3. I never noticed but I thought the series was brilliant and they are very good friends doing that you would have to be.

  4. The BBC does not allow advertising.!!!

  5. yeah, and maybe either the sponsors didnt cough up... or they stickers were there, and the sponsor said NO... im not giving you permission to use my Logo, without paying ME a wad...

    ah the life of the corporate sponship deal...  

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