
Charter <span title="Schooling......Homeschooling???......?please">Schooling......Homeschool...</span> help???

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hi, basically i cant stand to go to public school, and i found to concentrate way more if i learn something at home, i was wondering if charter school is the school where i just go once a week, and get homework and assignments for like 1 week, do em, and come back.

and if homeschooling is a form of charter schooling, or what the whole deal is, like if i home school, do i still have to go in and take some tests? or will the tests be taken at home, and mailed somewhere.

basically any info would help, thanks much for your answers




  1. Search this question for answers on the top of your page. I just answered it on another page and you can see  lots of answers to your question.

    Both homeschooling and Charter schools are good. I agree public schools kinds suck and definitely are not for everyone.I hope your parents are behind you on this..

    If not maybe they&#039;ll agree to a charter school because they don&#039;t have to spend so much time homeschooling.

    Goggle school in your area..Keep doing the best you can and I&#039;ll pray it all goes good for you.

  2. Charter schools vary.  It just means they are a public school that follows a differnet plan than the traditional schools.  What their progrma is varies a lot from school to school.  

    Yes, there are charter schools where you just attend classes one or two days a week and do the rest of your work at home.

    You need to get a list of charter schools in your state/county  and see if any are what you are looking for.  try searching google for &quot;charter schools&quot; and the name of your state.

  3. Some charter schools offer an at-home program or in some places where parents are required to have someone supervising them, they can serve as supervising schools.

    The scenario you are describing I have actually only ever heard students in California describe. It&#039;s possibly done elsewhere, too. It&#039;s actually run through the schools--public or charter--so you&#039;d need to talk to them about that type of an at-home program. This type of situation does usually require you to do a test.

    There are cyber schools as well. Some charter schools run their at-home (homeschooling) programs through cyber form. You would do all your work at home and send your work in. Yes, you would be required to do tests. Any time that your parents aren&#039;t fully in charge of your education at home means you have to do what the people in charge require of you.

    No one way is best--it depends on you, your parents, etc.

  4. charter schooling is like a public school in a private school setting,  where i live when you do homeschooling its all done at home, your parents give you assignments, they make your report cards, and they fill out your application for graduation, you do what work your parents want you to do, you dont have any state mandated curriculum, so you dont have to go and take tests, good luck with the homeschooling

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