
Charting BBT! Not taking temps same time very day

by  |  earlier

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So i'm going to jump on this bandwagon and start charting! Maybe it will take away the stress of never knowing and the love making every other day. LOL!

I posted a question about a faint positive about 3 days ago. I'm re-testing tomorrow to make sure it was in fact a positive. But i'm still going to prepare for the worst, not to get my hopes up.

I travel for my job and i can't take my temp at the same time everyday! Some days i'm out the door at 5am and some days i'm out the door at 10am. It's never the same. Is there any other way that is ok to take my BBT? I've tired to set the alarm to a time like 4:30am but if i don't get to bed till 12-1am sometimes that isn't enough time to chart my BBT, as i'm not fully at rest!

OPK's are an option but i don't want to spend hundred of dollars on this.





  1. I would try to keep it as close to the same time as possible.  I'm with you about the whole not getting up at the same time everyday, so what I usually do (per is take my temp when I've had at least 3 hours of consecutive sleep.  That way your body has had some time to slow down and you can get a pretty good reading from that.  My temps are usually all over the place, but fertilityfriend can tell when I've ovulated.  Also, make sure you are checking your cervical mucus and recording that too.  Those are the two cheapest and easiest things to do to make sure that you are in your fertile time.  Good luck to you!

  2. I don’t always get up at the same time either. I think as long as u take first thing and a tip[ on OPK u can get them very cheap off of I got 100 test for 55 bucks! U can also get combo packs as well. ‘

    I also love this site for charting!!

  3. Walgreen's sells OPK kits for as low as $20.

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