
Charting... I need to know how to chart when I could be ovulating.?

by  |  earlier

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Could someone please explain to me how to chart. I am really bad at this.

Your help is greatly appreciated... Thank you




  1. Go check out these free charting sites:


    I prefer the first site to the second, but go with the one you like.  Both will help you learn how to chart.  To start, you need a Basal Body thermometer and to take your temp every morning at the same time before getting up.  Good luck!

  2., i like to cheat

  3. I also prefer ivilliages website to fertility friend.

    The most critical issue with charting is to make sure to take your temp at the same time every day, inculding weekends. So if you normally get up at 7am for work during weekdays, you must wake up at 7am on weekends, take your temp, and go back to sleep.

    Normally your temps before ovulation will be lower than your temps after ovulation. For example. My temps pre-ovulation are around 96.3-96.8. After ovulation they are 97.2-97.5.

    It will take a couple rounds of charting to clearly see your pattern for ovulation, so I would recommend also using an OPK (preferably digital) so that you can have an additional idea about your ovulation while you are getting the hang of charting.

    I read '"Taking Charge of Your Fertility", which was about $24 and had tons of awesome, very clear info on how to chart and how to read your chart. I strongly recommend it.

    Much dust!

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