
Chasing cat with vacuum?

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my cat is scared of the vacuum even when it is not on. So, when my cat starts to bite me and attack my arms the only way I can get him to go awAy is if I chase him with the vacuum. Is this ok to do or will it affect him emotionally in the long run? Help!!!




  1. (mental image) LOL

  2. hahahaaha! Sorry but that was funny. One of mine is terrified of the vacuum and one day he was going mental around the house and accidentally jumped onto the "on" button of the vacuum. Until that day I'd never seen a cat fly!!

    I wouldn't think it would scar your cat emotionally but he's never going to love the vacuum! One of my cats is terrified of thunder and obviously I can't stop that and she's not emotionally damaged or anything. ;)

  3. simply remove the cat from the room you are vacuuming and do what you have to do and then turn it off  and put it away. chasing the cat is not a very considerate thing to do, so yes if an animal is scared of something terrorizing it with that object is bond to do some sort of psychological damage. I am not trying to be mean or condescending, but it isn't a very nice thing to do...sorry.

  4. Well obviously I dont think chasing him with it will make him fall in love with the vacuum. lol silly! I think the only thing you can do at this point is hide the vacuum and put the cat in a room when you want to use it. :)

  5. my cat attacks the vacuum when i am using it and once even ran under it when i was changing the head and got his tail sucked up (i did turn it off so his tail is fine)

    if my cat is misbehaving i spray a little water on her as she hates it so i think if that is the way to teach your cat to behave it will be fine.

  6. well i don't think that scaring a cat with a vacuum cleaner is nice, and YES it will effect the cat emotionally and it wont be as close with you and will get scared of nearly every object thinking that it can hurt him.

    try to scare it away by yelling instead of chasing with the vacuum.

    good luck.

  7. Why would you want to 'scare' your cat?  Try saying the word. . ."NO"

    whenever he begins to bite or attack your arm...your cat only needs to be 'taught' not to misbehave so stop 'punishing' him with the vaccuum, cuz YES it'll emotionally scar him forever.

  8. ok...yeah...chasing the cat with the vacuum is not a good idea...not only will it scar your will make him think playing with you is a bad thing.  It will make him nervous and skittish...if he's biting your arm, he's playing...he's showing you he's a good hunter and he's trying to learn new things to do with you. It's like kitty bonding. If you're really uncomfortable with it, then get a cheap laser pointer. You're cat can play with that when he has a lot of pent up energy, that way he'll be tired and just want to cuddle with you rather than use you as his toy. Also catnip toys are great things to have around the house. I hope this helps...just stop chasing your cat with the vacuum...that's only teaching him that bonding with you is bad.

  9. its okay...i do it to my cats all the time

  10. You will make your cat a nervous wreck. To chase him with the vac is to do something to him that obviously stresses him... Imagine if you had a pathological fear of snakes, and someone kept making you hold them!! Yes.. it will cause long term emotional trauma for kitty

    p.s Yes, I am petrified of snakes - LOL

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