
Chat rooms to just type stuff?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any chat rooms where you can just type in a joined room and have it not be a paid dating/personal service that you have to download/pay for to chat?




  1. Hello "hono785".

    There is indeed such a thing. It's called IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

    IRC is one of the oldest chatting techniques and many people use it from all over the world.

    How do you get it?

    Easy! Go to this website link to find out how to get on the server "ConflictIRC":

    If you run into problems contact me.

    Also, to join a chat room, or in IRC words a channel, type /join #home

    #Home is the main channel of ConflictIRC where most chats go on, but you can also make your own channel by joining another one and simple registering it by typing /cs register #channelname password description

    CS stands for Channel Services, or ChanServ.

    There is many more commands and services to provide you in chatting, so check it out!


    If this did not solve your query or I did not understand your query, please send me a message with some more detail and I shall research it for you.

    - James L.

  2. Yes there are quite  a few chat rooms that don't require any download or pay. I'll just name a few, chatforfree, BWDP, oohya and the list goes on. None of those rooms I've mentioned are dating or personal site chat rooms. If you want to check them out here are the links


    BWDP (also known as free-buy-help)


  3. try paltalk over 4000 rooms

    free download:

  4. yahoo aim etc

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