
Chat with me people I'm from the city and I see this happen all the time.?

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Would you give up your seat on the bus or train to a elderly person or pregnant women . If the bus or train is crowded and your body is tired from working long hours.




  1. Yes I do it all the time on the subway.  Surprisingly, they don't always want the seat though.

  2. I have always done this for the elderly, disabled, and pregnant.  I am currently 7 months pregnant and am appalled at how many people don't do this!  I have had to stand on a crowded bus a dozen times now.  My hubby and I went to a restaurant and there was a 20 minute wait.  There were only a few seats, and all were taken.  Not one person got up to offer me their seat, not even the guy sitting there dressed in his Army uniform complete with medals and badges.  A couple was called before we were and as I started heading for that seat, a teenage boy made a run for it and of course beat me to it.  His mother didn't say a word.  I always thought it was common courtesy to offer your seat to someone older, disabled, or pregnant, but I guess we are few and far apart!

  3. It depends on how tired I am. If by chance I am sitting up front  I will give my seat up, but if I'm in the back of a crowded bus with a seat I just let it go because its more hassle for that person to come to me just for my seat.

  4. Yeah I think that I would. I mean, it is common courtesy.

    I mean if I saw anyone that was diabled or something like that I think I would get up and give them my seat.

  5. Yes. Because although I might be tired the elderly person or pregnant woman is more deserving. They should have priority seating because if you were them you would expect nothing less for yourself. Its only right to help people who need it in anyway possible and to make the smallest sacrifice for them.

  6. Have done it - and will continue to do it.  Think how tired THEY must feel!

  7. Yes I do it all the time. I'm always surprised how many times I stand to give say a pregnant woman my seat and some guy will try to beat her to it. Who raised these people?

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