
Chatting with strangers?

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Chatting with strangers?

I think I have just unknowingly complicated my life.

Out of boredom, I created an account for

and posted a few pics. A few minutes later this guy messages me saying how cute I was and how interesting I must be. Curious, I responded. I have never chatted before in my life.

yet the conversation went rather well....with the exception of a few weird lines like "I think were going to be good friends" or "we should meet, but that's wishful thinking."

I brushed it off and gave him a spare IM address (which can be deleted.)

Now that I've finally talked to him through IM, I feel the paranoia seeping in.

What if's are filling my head.

What if this is all a pose?

what if he likes me too much?

what if he's insane?

I give him a piece of my mind (which is how our conversations get going) but never fully. I don't trust people enough. Obviously I'd have to be desperate to tell people how I really feel.

But I do take reasonable precautions like giving him a fake name, I did not tell him where I was from, nothing too personal.....I don't know if you call having a boyfriend personal?

Anyway from what I could sense

he seems like a loner who found life S****y after 18 (he's 21). I totally understand that part.

he is a little evasive when I ask him questions. Somewhat like me.

There were 2 instances of possible truthfulness

In his profile I noticed the background of one of his pictures.

I implied an answer "I don't think Ohio has beaches"

he explained how the pic was taken in india and how he had a good time.

The other was his explanation to get offline. "hey, I had 2 hours of sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I later checked if he really did get offline.


I'm really confused about all this

have I made a stupid mistake?




  1. If talking to anyone makes you that uncomfortable or worried about your safety I think it would be best to just stop talking to them.

    Just let him know your reason and if he's a decent person he'll understand.

    Good luck =]

  2. yes

  3. If you're worried about it, why are you still conversing with him?  Block him from your email and other accounts.  Change your screen names.  And if you don't have the spine to just say no to somebody that scares you, stay off of chat rooms.

  4. I dont think it's a great idea to chat with someone you dont even know or havent even met before.  It's never a good thing to do that.  You should opt out of that and delete that profile.  Like myspace, many kids can be abducted or spied by pretty much anyone in the country.  I would not risk it.  Hope that helps.

  5. ok, you can chat but dont give him any identifying information and definately not your address or phone number. You can do that and see where it goes. If he starts asking very specific personal questions DONT ANSWER THEM. After all, like you said you don't know who you are really talking to. It could be a woman or a cop or a dirty old man. Pictures don't prove a thing. You can put anyones pic on the net. If he is genuine he will respect you and your privacy. Don't under any circumstances go meet with him. Not on your own. If he is genuine he would understand the danger of this. Just be sensible. Be aware but not paranoid and get your pics off the net right away!!

  6. first of all... ur too paranoid. u should try and relax, u know not all people are psychotic perverts out to get you. he could be a loner who has no life, but theres also a chance who could be a cool guy whos just at his low point in life and needs someone to cheer him up. anyways, if ur not a chat-to-a-stranger type of person (which u've made clear) then i think u've made a mistake and should stick to face-to-face relationships.

  7. indeed u have

  8. stop reponding the other will think u have left for heavenly abode and will not follow or chase u

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