Yt yor harte out Geoffrey Chaucer
Yn Sturbrige towyn was a yonge ladye
Compeeled to ryte bye hir companye.
She coud not pass the challynge by
And, lo, to hir computer she did flye.
And right anon, with verray hayst
Bethoght of tayles she coud relayte
Praps of dronkenesse and vice
Yn tavernes and yn stewes alike
Reveelen the shaym of lecherye
And acts of wonton glotonye.
With men so dronke they be blynden
Leaven thir sensys far behynden
And prone to cursed confusioun
Enow to send them to dampnacioun.
With wyn-sotted waferers and baudes
Bluded from hastyley-draun sords.
Thus letten Saton and his develes yn
To leyd them to debauchyre and to syn.
Answering Pat's challenge