
Chavs should all be put in a huge blender and left churning till the end of time?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think chavs are a scar on the face of the earth and should be wiped out?




  1. What are chavs? I lost you on that one unless you mean people who have fanatically imprudent access to media and use it to spread hateful doctrine. We have to have people like that so we can realize what is truly misguided and what is propaganda such as the latest diatribes of some "leaders" today.

  2. While this is a worthy idea, I do see several potential flaws in the plan.  Firstly, many educative professionals would suddenly be faced with unemployment, though i suppose they could seek positions in the food service and retail industries, which would become dramatically understaffed.  Also, adults with capital currently in the form of trust funds and university savings funds would have to be re-reimbursed, placing a strain on the world's banks.  Finally, several countries who currently rely on chavs, who are often easier to force into service and, as you have wisely observed, less valuable than adults, to act as militants would find themselves without an army.  Thus, conflicts would have to be solved with a method that did not rely on chavs, something beyond an adult level of maturity.

    Your method of disposal may also require some revision.  I do not believe that it would be environmentally friendly to keep the blender running "till the end of time", nor are there enough resources at the worlds disposal to make a blender of adequate size.  Perhaps a smaller model could be constructed.  We "chavs" could then place you in the blender so that you would no longer have to face a world that has been blighted with our kind.



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