
Cheap & Easy Snack Food?

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HELP! I volunteered to coordinate our church's weekly gatherings. We get $120.00 for snack/dessert like food, but I need something that is supper quick and easy, not to mention really cheap as the $120 has to last for 4 nights! I am feeding close to 100 people. Any help would be appreciated. I am tired of cookies and brownies!




  1. well maybe you could nachos i know my walmart sells nacho cheese sauce in the bulk size cans the chips maybe a little costly though im not sure.

  2. You can always find cake mixes on sale for $1 (or less - especially at Walmart), and 18 eggs at Walmart are very reasonable.  So, the easiest thing would be to make a variety of 9x13" cakes or bundt cakes, using mixes.  You can really vary the flavors & textures.  You can substitute a container of fruit yogurt for any liquid that's called for.  The secret to a cake mix is to BEAT the batter at least 3 min (5 is even better);  you'll notice a real difference after 3 min.  You might want to get the book "The Cake Doctor" which is all recipes from mixes (eBay or  You can even mix in cans of fruit pie filling into the mixes! ... They all freeze well, and you just need to sprinkle the tops with powdered sugar...

  3. Make some chocolate pizzas.  Below is the link.

  4. maybe summer sausage and cheese and crackers

    ummm you could make oyster crackers with dry packet of hidden valley ranch and oil shake it up and then serve!

    maybe a relish tray of veggies or fruits like apples and caramel

    ice cream social could be good

    maybe make finger sandwiches that is cheap and goes a ways

    hope one of these helps

    oh yeah you can make some type of muffins that is always a yummy snack or maybe pumpkin bread

  5. well if u buy the plates and forks

    maccorni! i loved (still do) when i was little

    mmm or ice cream and like cupcakes! (no frosting dont want hyper kids)

    chips and diffent sauces

    a rice dish rice is so cheap!

  6. ice cream sunday bar

    banna split

    chips and salsa

    orange julius

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