
Cheap Head shot Photographers?

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Does anyone know a good but cheap professional head shot photographer in the San Francisco area? Thanks!




  1. Try contacting the photography schools out there... students are always needing models... and you'll be likely to get it done for free.

  2. Just realize you get what you pay for.  However, being a photographer I understand that not everyone has that kind of cash to throw around.  There is a site called Model Mayhem sign up there and post some of your pics.  Let the photographers know that you will model for prints or digital copies of head shots.  

    They get to use you for one of their shoots and you'll get headshots.  My suggestions is to pay at the minimum $50 for one digital file of your choice that is cropped, color corrected, spotted, small blemishes removed and the saved as a jpg file (sRGB color space)  that is ready for printing as an 8x10 print on a cd with personal usage rights (headshots).

    Then take the print to the nearest Target and get 20 printed or go searching online for cheap mass printing options.

    The reason you pay is so you are taken seriously and the job is completed in a respectable amount of time.

    In return give him/her your time and all rights to the images that are created during your photo shoot.  So go ahead and sign a full model release.  In reality, if he really takes those images that you are in and makes millions of dollars you can sue for a fair compensation.  

    Nine times out of ten those photos are going to stay in a portfolio or an online photo site.  

    If you don't feel like you look like a typical model do it anyway.  You don't have to look like a runway model for a photographer to want to photograph just have to be professional about it.  

    OH! And once you flake...forget about it.

    Good Luck!

  3. search for photog groups in your area.

    photogs are a dime a dozen.

    good photogs usually cost money.

    great photogs are rare indeed.

    in todays world you get what you pay for.

    caveat emptor!

  4. It depends what you meant by cheap. It is hard to find an inexpensive photographers for headshots. Check out some Asian photographers, but make sure you see their works. You can also go to SFSU or CCSF and make friends with photography students. It's the cheapest way you can go. Else, expect to pay at least $150.

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